How Simple Rules Create Happiness
For those of you who regularly read my articles, you’ll know that I made a commitment in January last year to write an article for the wonderful Generative Change Community, each of my working weeks. And this was on my to-do list for today, until a friend called and reminded me how Simple Rules create happiness.
My friend is going through a really tough time.
Like so many modern families, sadly, hers is teetering on the brink of shattering and this afternoon was the first time we’d been able to connect since I reached out to her a few days ago.
But this afternoon was set aside to write my article.
Writing an article a week is a commitment I have made the GenChange Community and myself.
What to do???
I feel down on myself, irritable and totally lose peace of mind when I break commitments and so honouring my agreements and commitments is something I am very passionate and steadfast about.
What to do? What to do?
I’ll tell you one thing I didn’t do.
I didn’t moan and lament the timing of the call, or add upset and stress to the situation or do anxiety in anticipation of working back late on a Friday night.
I just came back to my Simple Rules and one of them is Honour in Service.
Another one of my Simple Rules is Be There For My Loved Ones.
I learned that one the hard way when my Grandmother died.
I’d been thinking of calling her for weeks but because we were about to go overseas I was working hard each day preparing my businesses for a three week absence.
Telling myself, I’ll call Grandma when I’m done, just before we leave.
And then she died.
Before I called her.
It took me a long time to reconcile that decision with myself and to stop feeling guilty and wrong.
Yes I know, I would say when Superman reminded me that she knew how much I loved her.
Yes I know, I said when he reminded me of all the times I made time and travelled a long way to visit her.
Yes I know, when he smiled about all the cheeky chuckles I would purposely get out of her with my stories.
Absolutely none of this made a difference to me and how badly I felt.
What made a difference was:
- allowing time for my grief to process
- finding the lessons in the experience
- and discovering gratitude for Grandma’s last loving gift to me; the Simple Rule of Be There For My Loved Ones.
So when my friend called back today, her need easily and effortlessly trumped my commitments for the afternoon because I have this Simple Rule. I will never put anything before my loved ones again, except my own health.
But that’s another Simple Rule I have: My Health First.
So we had our conversation together, I set aside my afternoon without a second thought and made myself 100% available in the present moment for her. And I feel calm and relaxed in my mind and actually very warm and fuzzy on the inside for being there for my friend, for being of service. And because I operated according to my Simple Rules, I have effortlessly maintained my personal boundaries too.
And this is how Simple Rules create happiness.
Simple Rules create happiness because they are an operation manual for yourself and your life. Once created you don’t even need to think – you just act in accordance with your Simple Rules and you know you’ll be okay and true to you. Like everything they’ll require some revision and tweaking from time to time. But the simplicity and integrity they so effortlessly provide is pure joy in living spontaneously.
I encourage you to create Simple Rules for yourself.
If you need help with that, reach out to me and we’ll do a session around them and figure yours out.
And do – right now – reach out and check in with your loved ones.
Are they okay?
How can you be of service to them?
My article is short today because I did, so you have time now to do so too.
Spread the LOVE good soul.
Afterall, LOVE is all that matters.
Rachel x
Your Life Changing Coach
GENERATIVE CHANGE is change that builds upon itself.
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