Tired of Password Fatigue?

Are you tired of password fatigue?
I’d never heard the frustration described like that until my friend Carla posted about it on Facebook.
We need dang passwords for everything these days and where do you put them so you can find them easily but no creep in a dark room somewhere in The Ukraine (sorry Ukraine) can lift them off the web?

It can be frustrating and fatiguing when using passwords frequently.
I get that.
I was in frustration two years ago but now I’m not.
And today my gorgeous souls, I’m here to share my joyous password liberation with you.
Are you ready?
Life changing event about to occur!
Of course! That’s why we’re here right?!

For those of you who just want the steps, scroll on down sweets!
And for those of you who LOVE a story, my journey to password freedom goes like this:

Two years ago I bought a new Mac and the dang thing just would NOT talk with Chrome properly – still doesn’t!
One of the things that was not working between the two was Chrome not saving my passwords.
I spent hours on the phone to Apple and Google – urgh!

And then thankfully I connected with a lovely man who’s spent the last 30 years working with computers and specifically Macs and it is from him the strategy for password freedom emerged.

Firstly he said, that’s computers! If you’re expecting them to be perfect and work every time, you are going to be disappointed. There’s something wrong with all of them. Just find a way around. And keep updating Chrome and your Mac OS because they are always working on their stuff and one day, who knows? They may fix your issue?

Secondly, you don’t ever want to be saving your passwords to Chrome (or any web browser) because it is not secure. Nothing on the web is.

Thirdly, you can just create a Word document with your passwords in it, create one password for that document and then lock it. Then your passwords are NOT stored on the web, as with some third party password protected apps.

That means, to get hold of your passwords, someone has to:

  1. Figure out the password for your locked Word document and
  2. Actually get their hands on your computer.

This is exactly what I did and I’ve been a very calm and relaxed – liberated – password user ever since!

So if you are tired of password fatigue, here are the steps to freedom!

  1. Create a Word document with all your passwords
    1. I use a simple three column table
      Three column table Generative Change Life Changing Coaching Online and by phone
  2. Set up security on the document
    1. In the Word menu, select Preferences i.e. Click on Word in the top menu bar, click on Preferences.
    2. Under Personal Settings select Security (padlock icon).
      Security Generative Change Life Changing Coaching Online and By Phone
    3. UnderĀ Security, you can select whether to enter a password to either open the document, modify the document, or both. Enter your password again to confirm.

      There is room for at least 15 characters in your password.
      Use ALL characters possible, as this makes it harder to crack.
      Also, use unrelated parts of a sentence or phrase with some numbers added as this also makes it harder to crack.
      e.g. confidencecarries01, whattimeshine33, heartdreamcaptain2

      Password Generative Change Life Changing Coaching Online and by Phone

  3. Copy and paste your passwords and user namesĀ 
    1. When it’s time to use a password, simply open Word, click on File, then Open Recent and select whatever file name you chose for your password document. You’ll be prompted to enter your password and then confirm it and away you go!
    Always close the document when you leave your computer!
And that’s it!

For Mac.
Windows will be the same or just a little bit different, but just as simple.

Do enjoy how refreshingly easy it is to be safe and smart online and not drive yourself over the edge with all your passwords now. Because it’s the little, day-to-day stuff that adds up isn’t it? May as well have it adding up to feeling ease and calm at the computer right?

Let me know how you go or if you’ve got any questions okay?
And if you’re interested in other simply explained tech tips about how to create calm and peace of mind for yourself in this digital world, you may like to read these as well:

Turning off your notifications
What I do about notifications

Rachel x
Your Life Changing Coach
is change that builds upon itself.
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