How to stop worrying
I used to worry a lot and sometimes I still do, but not for long!
I’ve discovered a super simple technique that works every time and I’d LOVE for it to work for you too.
Here’s how to stop worrying!
Worrying, like brushing our teeth or watching tv, is just something we do.
So just like brushing our teeth and watching tv, we can choose to stop doing the activity.
Afterall, no one’s got a gun to our head, forcing us to worry do they?
I know, I know…
How can you stop worrying when there’s the:
- Kids?
- House? OrĀ don’t have a house?
- Business?
- Employees?
- Finding LOVE?
- Future security?
- Covid19?
- Terrorism?
- That funny spot on your nose?
- Issue of Dad’s Dementia?
- Money?
- Etc. Etc.
Our list of possible topics to worry about is endless!
But one thing’s for certain – our worries are always about what may happen.
Our worries are about future events and circumstances.
Even if the event is current in our lives, we definitely aren’t worrying about what did happen.
We’re always worrying about what might happen.
So here is the technique I use to stop worrying:
I simply remind myself that THIS IS MY LIFE.
(I actually stop and say that, out loud, to myself!)
There are two parts to this fundamental and reality checking statement:
The first part is coming back to now.
This is my life.
Right now.
What’s happening now is my life.
Coming back to NOW is the first part of how to stop worrying.
The second part of how to stop worrying, springing from this statement of fact – THIS IS MY LIFE – is that all the challenges I am facing and all of the future events I’m not sure about – that’s all my life too.
My life.
My journey.
All that stuff is my life.
I may as well live it instead of worrying about it.
I always feel pretty dumb to be choosing to worry about my life instead of choosing to live it.
So I stop worrying.
And start living.
Even if my life is tough and challenging and a bit yucky – it’s still my life.
I can choose to change my life if I don’t like living the kind of life it is.
Yes I can!
But no matter the contents or substance of my life, I am committed to living it, instead of worrying about it.
So the second part of how to stop worrying is a choice of activity;
choosing to live instead of choosing to worry.
Because one thing IS certain – guaranteed even – we are all going to die.
So best get on with living then right?
Let me know how you go and I am super happy to chat with you about this, so do reach out won’t you?
Rachel x
Your Life Changing Coach
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