Time to Reflect
Hello good soul.
I am signing off now for the year and taking time to reflect on the year that was 2020.
Making time to reflect is an important ritual for me.
Whether it’s pondering my week over a nice glass of red on Friday afternoon or performance assessing while woofing down long overdue sustenance after an exciting event. Making time to reflect is vital.
It’s all too easy to slip into nasty negative self talk when things aren’t going quite how we’d imagined.
At these times, it is easy to forget all the good stuff, all the learning, all the growth, all the successes, all the challenges fought and conquered, all the mountains climbed and crested.
The wonderful human ability to adapt is precisely why it is so important to make time to reflect.
When it’s time to reflect on the year, I start by flipping through my work diary. It may be old habit from organising Massage appointments or the fact I am kinesthetic and interpret my world through touch and feeling, but I use a paper diary with a pencil and eraser! So it’s easy for me to flick through the highs and lows of my year, noting all the hand drawn smiley faces when project work worked and frowny faces when it didn’t.
As I view the year’s appointments, I am reminded of all the wonderful clients with whom I’ve worked and of their amazing growth and achievements. Oh how much amazing stuff can happen in only one year?!
I feel so grateful to have been invited along on their journey of change and transformation.
And I feel humbled by the gift of trust and openness they bestow upon me during this process.
These are good people, with dreams and goals and great big hearts, who not only want to BE their best, they want to make our world a better place by BEing their true selves and freely, joyously sharing this gift with others.
Part of BEing my true self and sharing this gift with others to make the world a better place are these articles for you.
As I reflect on my year, I am feeling very proud of myself because I honoured my agreement and commitment to myself by writing and publishing an article every single week this year. There were some Friday nights I sat on the couch, neck aching and wishing I would allow myself to relent, break my agreement and skip that week.
But I didn’t.
I kept going – instead changing my behaviour so that I started my articles earlier in the week!
Writing is a dream of mine.
There are countless books inside me – a whole shelf about boundaries alone!
So I made a commitment to myself and now, as I reflect on my year having honoured that commitment, I feel wonderful.
I find I am smiling just thinking about it.
Because I have made one of my dreams come true this year.
I trust you have found my articles interesting and helpful in your life. And I commit to myself and to you, to continue my weekly expression of ideas, feelings, experiences, observations, Mental Health resources and life living tools in the New Year.
As we wind down to the end of this fascinating year, I encourage you to make time to reflect.
Pat yourself on the back for kicking all those goals and be your own best friend when acknowledging those areas you want to change, continue to grow or maybe just ditch altogether.
I also encourage you to make some agreements and commitments with yourself for the New Year.
They don’t have to be grand and they sure can be if you like.
Make sure they light you up!
Because if your agreements and commitments light you up, that means they are aligned to your purpose on this earth.
If they light you up, that means they make you happy and fulfil you.
Honouring these commitments will make others happy and fulfil them too, without you even trying.
The point is, commit to yourself to let your light shine.
This world needs you to shine.
So shine good soul…SHINE!… and shine bright.
Be courageous.
Choose to live the life you’re imagining!
And may your Christmas be merry and bright.

First restaurant and draught beer out of Melbourne Lockdown II. Cheers! xox
Rachel x
Your Life Changing Coach
GENERATIVE CHANGE is change that builds upon itself.
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