Your relationships with others matter

Bearded man kissing a smiling woman in a field Your relationships with others matter Generative Change Life Changing Coaching Online and By Phone

We are on a roll with an important topic here at Generative Change: Relationships Matter. After exploring why relationships matter and especially why your relationship with yourself matters, this week we move to the undeniable fact – your relationships with others matter. Because no one on their deathbed ever wished they worked more or watched…

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What makes an ass out of you and me?

What makes an ass out of you and me? Ass or donkey standing in field Generative Change

What makes an ass out of you and me? When we assume, we make an ass out of u and me. Assuming means we mind read instead of asking clarifying questions and getting the facts. Yes, yes – I have heard it all before from my Coaching Clients: ‘But we’ve known each other since high…

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