Relationships Matter

Three young women drinking beer relationships matter Generative Change Life Changing Coaching Online and by Phone

No one on their death bed ever wished they worked more or had more money.
Relationships are the focus of the dying.
Are you, the living, focusing on your relationships?
Relationships matter.

You think you have forever, until you don’t.
~ Bonnie Ware.

Bonnie Ware spent eight years helping people die.
Caring for terminally ill patients in their final weeks of life gifted her vital direction and guidance for living.
This guidance came in the form sadly, of all the regrets of her dying patients.


 The five most common regrets of the dying are:

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard (from every male patient she nursed)
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
  4. I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends
  5. I wish I had let myself be happier

ALL of these regrets of the dying are born from losing focus on our relationships; loosing focus on both our relationship with our Self and our relationships with others.

Relationships matter.

I want you to take a moment… now, read over these regrets of dying people. PAUSE
Which of these regrets do you already feel… this far along the timeline of your life?
How does it feel to know that now?
Where in your body do you feel that feeling?

Now that you are in touch with that feeling, imagine how you will feel with thirty or forty more years, doing life just like you are doing it now, relating with yourself and others, just as you are relating now?
How will it be for you… in the end?

But hey! We’re not there yet?
Are we?
We’re right here…right now.

So right here, right now allow me to help you stop creating regret.
And start living the life you are here to live and enjoying the relationships you already have and those you are yet to make.
Allow me to give you tools and techniques that help you focus on and enjoy your relationships.

Because relationships matter.

Get busy living…living true to yourselves and really sucking every – last – drop out of life!
Enjoying your relationships.

Because relationships matter.

And guess what?
Because you took the time to read this whole article, you get a Complimentary Opening Coaching session.
Just call or email me today. Or use the contact form to reach out here.
This time next year, or even on your death bed, you’ll wish you started living today!

Rachel x
Your Life Changing Coach
is change that builds upon itself.
Offering you Life Changing Coaching ~ Online & By Phone

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